Sunday, May 18, 2008

Foreign Policy Debate



My Observations:

Obama is not the president yet and is already making grave mistakes as evidenced of his poor judgement on all the important issues facing our country.

May I ask why was one of his trusted campaign officers communicating with Hamas? Do they have the legal right to this? I thought this was the job of an elected officer or an appointed official by the commander-in-chief to represent our land? Was Obama trying to impress the people and got carried away by the high of his supposedly lead on the nomination and hoping to pull away into the homestretch? Or was he just being the real Obama, inexperienced, hasty to act without critical thinking and hardly follows the rules? Did he really think that what happened this week does not bear consequences? Did he think that the fort he is currently in is heavily fortified with money, therefore he is immune to the consequences? Did the people around him give him that false assurance? Nonetheless, he had a back up plan -- eliminate the person that commited the inconceivable act, who was just following orders from him. Nice move! Your supporters insisted that McCain was video taped by a reporter some years ago saying "At some point we need to talk to our enemies". That is the most logical and less compromising way to settle down our differences with other nation but it is paramount to first lay down the conditions of any peace talk as dictated by the foreign policy. I believe Policy and Procedure are made and enforced by the lawmakers to protect our land and its people.

Obama has the right idea but he is not an eloquent and effective communicator. Also, I cannot fathom why it took Obama more than 24 hours to lash back at McCain after his accusation? An alibi that he was out of camera range is a lame excuse and unacceptable.
He is vying for the highest position of the land and most powerful position in the world, he should be able to confront and defend himself without hesitation. If he was true to himself and believe he did not have any wrongdoing, he should immediately come on the air and take in Macain, like a true democratic nominee. His failure to come out immediately and challenge the opponent made me realize that he did not know what to say and needed some time to discuss the matter with his advisors. It makes me wonder how is he going to react during crises.
Senior democrats, please take Obama and show him around. Give him a very extensive orientation and training so that someday America might be safe on his hands.

By the way, Mr. Harold Ford Jr. said "implicit or explicit, change is what the people need." With all the due respect Sir, change is what americans are hoping for but not at the expense of the security of our beloved land. Its sad to watch the experts debate on the Foreign Policy. Its either they're missing the real issue of our nation's security on the hands of the wrong people or they chose to ignore it because they have to make a living!
So fellow Americans, it is up to us to decide our fate. Now, not only do we have to watch out for the enemies among us, but we also have to defend ourselves against those politicians who will hand us to the enemies!


ben said...

I feel as if you have not actually been researching your information or looking at any of this with a logical mindset. Just because you've thought this way for a long time doesn't mean you can ignore fact if it doesn't fit your agenda.

Veronica's Secret said...


You have to be specific on your response to not actually researching my information. What is it that you found not correct in my blog, so I may be able to explain to you better.

Are you referring to before or after Obama's statements and decisions regarding Hamas has been altered?
Meaning before or after Obama changed his story?

Or is it his slow reaction to the accusations of his opponent?

My agenda was to vote for Obama, is this what you are talking about?

Thank you for your comment, I always enjoy intellectual responses!